
Uncovering the Relationship Between Loneliness and Poor Health Outcomes
April 2024
Ongoing work by Daphne Holt, MD, PhD, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and colleagues could help tackle the worsening epidemic of loneliness and social isolation by studying personal space as a marker. Read it here.

Advances in Early Detection of Psychosis Using Brain Imaging
February 2024
Dr. Daphne Holt, MD, PhD, gives a talk on psychosis and recent advances in early detection of psychosis using brain imaging methods. Watch it here

MGH Giving- Loneliness: An Unmet Need for Social Connection
October 2023 Issue
Mass General’s Daphne Holt, MD, PhD, is aiming to address loneliness and social isolation by conducting brain imaging research and testing interventions to help those experiencing loneliness feel connected and secure in their communities.Read it here

MGH Research Institute - Bench Press July Issue: How Building Resiliency in Young Adults Could Help Address a Mental Health Crisis
July 2023 Issue
Dr. Daphne Holt was interviewed about her work as the director of the Resilience and Prevention Program, whcih seeks to identify early warning signs of psychosis and provide resilience-based treatment interventions for impacted youth and their families. Read it here!

HMS Magazine - Harvard Medicine: Alone in the Crowd
Spring 2023 Issue
Dr. Daphne Holt was interviewed about her work to identify neural correlates of loneliness in this latest issue of the Harvard Medical School magazine. Read it here!

MGH Advances In Motion Journal Series: Diminished Frontal Pole Size, Functional Connectivity Linked to Elevated Suicide Risk in Young Adults
February 27, 2023
Dr. Daphne Holt's work investigating the neural correlates of elevated suicide risk was summarized in the MGH Advances in Motion Journal Series February newsletter. Read it here!

MGH Mindscapes Series, Summer 2022: Who's Your Avatar?
August 30, 2022
Dr. Daphne Holt was interviewed about her work conducting resilience training via virtual reality for the MGH Mindescapes Series, Summer 2022 newsletter. Read it here!

MGH Leadership Counsel for Psychiatry - Eleventh Annual Visiting Day: The Use of Virtual Reality to Build Resilience and Improve Mental Health
June 6, 2022
Dr. Daphne Holt presented at the MGH Leadership Counsel for Psychiatry - Eleventh Annual Visiting Day her research about delivering skills-based interventions to college students through virtual reality applications, watch here!

Flattening the curve: What will it take to prevent mental health conditions in youth?
May 9, 2022
Dr. Daphne Holt presented at the Deperatment of Mental Health Center for Excellence 2022 Conference. Watch here!

An Online Program Promoting Resilience in Healthcare Workers
March 31, 2022
In March 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the East Coast, Nicole DeTore, PhD and colleagues in the Resilience and Prevention Program at Mass General developed a brief online course with the goal of introducing healthcare workers to psychological techniques used to manage stress and enhance resilience. Check out the full article here!

Charting a Path to Prevention: Training the Brain to Prevent Depression
October 28, 2021

COVID Expanded the Boundaries of Personal Space — Maybe for Good
Gary Stix, a journalist at Scientific American Magazine interviewed Dr. Daphne Holt about the boundaries of personal space. Check the article out here or here!

The Campaign for Mass General
October, 2021

Mass General Neuroscience Day
September 9, 2021
Dr. Daphne Holt presented at the 4th Annual Mass General Neuroscience Day. Check it out here!

Mass General Research Institute Lab Day
September 22, 2021
Dr. Daphne Holt presented at the Mass General Research Institute Lab Day. Check it out here!

Participation in the Cambridge Science Festival
April 2021
Dr. Daphne Holt participated in the Cambridge Science Fair by educating students about Personal Space and how it can be studied in Virtual Reality. Check it out here!

March 5, 2021
Dr. Daphne Holt and Dr. Roger Tootell discuss the lasting effects of social distancing. Check out the article here!

Functional MRI Applications
January 2021
Dr. Daphne Holt and Dr. Roger Tootell discuss the neuroscience of personal space.
Dr. Daphne Holt's work as the Director of the Resilience and Prevention Program is highlighted in the MGH October 2021 Newsletter. Read it here!
October 27, 2021
May 04, 2020
Dr. Holt shared tips about building resilience during the COVID-19 crisis in an interview with
Mass General Neuroscience Features: Adapting in the Midst of COVID-19
April 16, 2020
Dr. Jonathan Rosand, Managing Co-Director of Mass General Neuroscience, interviews Dr. Daphne Holt from the Department of Psychiatry and the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, to find out how she is adapting her work to help front line healthcare workers maintain their resilience during the COVID-19 outbreak. Check it out here!
MGH Mind, Mood & Memory Features: Resilience Program
October 01, 2018
The MGH Resilience Program directed by Dr. Holt was featured in the October 2018 issue of Mind, Mood & Memory. Learn more about the program and its ongoing projects here!
MGH Advances in Motion Feature
July 26, 2018
MGH Journal Advances in Motion features Dr. Holt's work on subclinical psychosis and its neural correlates shown in fMRI. Check it out here!
June 06, 2018
Dr. Holt was named one of the 2018 Class of MGH Research Scholars and awarded a grant for an exciting virtual reality-delivered intervention for schizophrenia.
May 10, 2018
In this episode of the Proto Magazine Podcast, Dr. Holt discusses how she has been able to balance her academic career with motherhood and how being awarded the Claflin Distinguished Scholars Award helped her excel in both realms.
March 19, 2018
During the month of March, Massachusetts General Hospital is celebrating Women’s History Month by highlighting our outstanding women scientists, physicians and staff members.

Martinos Center Newsletter feature
April 12, 2017
A core line of investigation in the lab, focused on social withdrawal and personal space, was featured in a recent article entitled "The Neuroscience of Personal Space." Check it out here!

Successful Mental Health Screening!
September 20, 2016
Our bi-annual mental health screening event at a local university was quite successful this past September, enrolling a record-breaking 500 students over 2 days!

Oral Symposium at SOBP
May 12, 2016
Dr. Holt presented a symposium talk entitled "Fear Generalization in Psychosis" at the 2016 Society for Biological Society annual meeting in Atlanta, GA.